Transfer of value, Fair Trade Music and blockchain draw creators to CIAM Executive Committee in Lisbon
Increasing protection and industry projects move forward in presence of all global music creators’ alliances.
Initiatives for the global music industry brought together the International Council of Music Creators and all of its alliances, covering all corners of the globe, drew 21 creators, Executive Committee members and observers to the CIAM Executive Committee in Lisbon. CISAC member societies invited included ASCAP, BUMA/STEMRA, ONDA, SACM, SCM and UBC. Held around the CISAC General Assembly, the two-day meeting was the focal point in regional and global coordinated efforts on key topics in music: Safe Harbor/Transfer of Value, Fair Trade Music, Blockchain and more.
CIAM President Lorenzo Ferrero opened by warmly welcoming members and observers prior to ECSA and MCNA Presidents updating the situation in Europe and the US in regards to Safe Harbor/Transfer of Value; a primary focus of debates in the issue of the transfer of value and the unfair situation for creators exploited by digital platforms in the use, yet little to no remuneration efforts, of authors. Europe has become the global focal point where “policy-makers are listening now”.
On the other side of the planet, the Asia-Pacific Music Creators Alliance (APMA) is off to a strong start with 15 countries involved in the alliance. In the coming years, the alliance will reinforce and increase protections for music authors through the campaign on the transfer of value in the digital market as well as establishing legislation and/or organisations to facilitate the collection and distribution of royalties to creators.
Another important issue to be watched closely is the 50 versus 70 years plus life copyright protection. Too many countries around the world, including Canada and a number of Latin American, African and Asia-Pacific countries have still 50 years. CIAM will try and address its lobbying efforts in that direction.
The CIAM initiative Fair Trade Music seeks to apply the same transparency, sustainability, fairness and ethical standards established by the Fair Trade coffee movement to the music industry and involved actors. The Executive Committee received updates to the programme and how to move forward to increase participation and adoption.
CIAM has begun work on observing and reviewing what is being done with blockchain and the Cis-Next rightholder access. The new technology, increasingly used and adapted by governments and explored by CMOs, could potentially add value to authors.
The next CIAM congress will take place on November 7-8 in Tokyo.
(Photos ©: Inácio Ludgero)