Music Creators’ Asia-Pacific Alliance Update
During the recent CISAC Asia-Pacific regional committee meeting held in Bangkok, CIAM President Lorenzo Ferrero introduced the idea of creating an Asia-Pacific Alliance to join the existing creators’ alliances in Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America.
A charter of principles and intentions was proposed to participating creators and was signed by Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Japan and Vietnam on 17 May 2016. Shunichi Tokura, former Chairman of JASRAC and member of the CIAM Executive Committee, was unanimously appointed as spokesperson. Additional countries and creator organisations are expected to join in the following months. Representatives from mainland China are particularly expected due to the upcoming official launch of the alliance at the CISAC Creators Day planned for Beijing in November 2016.
During the Asia-Pacific Creator Conference on 18 May, the role of creators in collective management organizations was discussed. CIAM’s global project Fair Trade Music was introduced during a panel moderated by Satoshi Watanabe from JASRAC with the participation of Lorenzo Ferrero, Shunichi Tokura and popular Thai composer and artist, Notapol Srichomkwan.