CIAM Alliance Partner PACSA Meets in Algiers to Set Agenda for Further African Development
CIAM’s international alliance partner, the Pan-African Composers’ and Songwriters’ Association (PACSA) met in Algiers last week to add safe harbour, terms of protection and regional expansion to its agenda of key objectives for the coming year.
The meeting was supported by the local Algerian authors’ society l’Office National des Droits d’Auteur (ONDA) and the first point of order was for PACSA President, Sam Mbende (Cameroon) to thank them for making this important event possible. Personal thanks were also given to Sami Bencheikh el Hocine, Director General of ONDA and to Samia Slimani from the CISAC Creator Relations team, both of whom were invited to join the meeting as observers. Mr, Mbende assured ONDA of PACSA’s full support going forward and in return, Mr. Bencheikh el Hocine confirmed ONDA's willingness to support PACSA's efforts and projects more broadly.
Mr. Mbende then introduced the attending members of the PACSA executive committee which included Jean Jacques Arjoon (Mauritius), Raphael Gomado (Togo), Lesley Luthuli (South Africa) and Chimwemwe Mhango (Malawi) before presenting two guests: Ismail Menkari, Director General of the Moroccan Copyright Office, and Algerian composer, Kouider Bouziane.
Mr. Menkari pledged his support for future PACSA activities and meetings in Morocco and offered to assist in facilitating the administrative procedures for such events, particularly in obtaining visas with the support of the King.
Mr. Bouziane then shared his desire to exchange information on the issues of the music repertoire in Algeria and made a formal offer to help contribute to PACSA’s development. Mr. Mbende extended an invitation for him to officially join the ExCo and following a vote, Mr. Bouziane was unanimously elected a member.[us_single_image image="865" size="full"](L-R) Sami Bencheikh el Hocine, Director General of ONDA; Samia Slimani, CISAC Repertoires and Creators Manager; Sam Mbende, President of PACSA; and Ismail Menkari, Director General of the Moroccan Copyright Office.The next agenda item concerned memberships and finance. The committee decided as a first step, to formally reach out with a letter of request for support to all African societies but will in parallel seek opportunities of extra budgetary funding to support their projects in the region.
In terms of membership, Mr. Mbende shared that PACSA currently has around 18,000 members across Africa with many new authors' associations having been registered in countries such as Côte d'Ivoire and Morocco. Of particular importance in developing this membership is the integration of young African authors and composers, and a campaign was proposed to help drive this goal. Additionally, Ms. Slimani proposed that PACSA consult with CIAM and CISAC to explore the possibilities of granting permanent observer status to the African Union.
Regarding the key areas of focus for PACSA’s lobbying activities, the disparity in terms of protection of copyright in some countries remains a concern. While many nations such as Mauritius and Guinea have the usual “life plus 70 years” protection, there are some important nations including Cameroon, Togo, South Africa and Malawi that currently have only 50 years. Establishing a congruous level of protection across the region is a crucial step for creators.
Secondly, the issues surrounding "safe harbour" is proving to be as important in Africa as it currently is in Europe and North America. The team pledged to survey local authors’ societies on their position and actions in this regard and develop a clear and concise position for PACSA. Mr. Luthuli will be producing a draft PACSA public position on this issue for disseminate to ExCo members in the coming weeks.
In closing, the group discussed the possibilities for future events in Africa and how PACSA and how might better participate to represent the interests of its members. The meeting formally concluded with ONDA extending an invitation to visit their offices the following day; an offer that the group was delighted to accept.[us_single_image image="866" size="full"](L-R) Chimwemwe Mhango, PACSA; Ismail Menkari, Director General of the Moroccan Copyright Office; Guylaine Moreau, CISAC Communication Project Officer; Samia Slimani, CISAC Repertoires and Creators Manager; and Raphael Gomado, PACSA visit the ONDA headquarters.NOTE: Main image shows (L-R) Kouider Bouziane (Algeria), Sam Mbende (Cameroun), Jean Jacques Arjoon (Mauritius), Chimwemwe Mhango (Malawi), Lesley Luthuli (South Africa) and Raphaël Gomado (Togo)