ALCAM announces new management to support authors and composers across Latin America
ACLAM, the Latin America partner alliance of CIAM, announced its new management on May 21st:
- President - Juca Novaes (Brazil)
- Vice President - Magdalena Matthey (Chile)
- Secretary General - Diego Drexler (Uruguay)
- Treasurer - Geraldo Vianna (Brazil)
- Gender Director - Mónica Vélez (Mexico)
- Director of Territory Management - Carlos "Cuqui" Simoes (Argentina)
ALCAM is an alliance formed exclusively by Latin American authors and composers, who work daily to promote and raise awareness about the legitimate moral and property right that every artist has over their work and the fair remuneration for their creative work. It seeks to valorize the work of authors and composers and to defend the contributions they make through their work to the cultural development of all communities that they belong to.