APMA celebrates increased cooperation between Macau and Lusophone countries at General Assembly and Executive Committee
Creators in Lusophone countries throughout the world have a new cultural gateway to China. On November 27th and 28th, the APMA General Assembly and Executive Committee met in Macau, gathering music creators from throughout the region to coordinate and prioritize lobbying and educational initiatives for 2020.
At the APMA Executive Committee meeting, the Macau Statement was released. The Statement welcomes cooperation between Lusophone countries and Macau as a cultural gateway to China. It encourages Macau to become a hub to help drive the development of the global music industry.
The Executive Committee also discussed its 2020 strategic priorities and the alliance’s budget structure. APMA members reviewed the CIAM General Assembly in Budapest, where APMA Vice President Brendan Gallagher was elected to the CIAM Executive Committee.
At the APMA General Assembly and annual Creators Seminar, Hong Kong University Professor Alice Lee presented her study on copyright buy-out practices in Asia-Pacific. The study explores numerous region-specific practices and generally weak legal protection available to creators, with the exception of authors' right-oriented legislation in Macau. The study was commissioned by APMA.
APMA President Shunichi Tokura expressed commitment to expand the study to include all 21 APMA member countries.