ALCAM Presents Fair Trade Music to Musicians and authors at first Meeting of 2018 in Guatemala
The Latin American Alliance of Authors (ALCAM) held its first meeting of 2018 in the capital of Guatemala on April 27th and 28th, presenting its activities and Fair Trade Music to local authors and musicians. ALCAM President Alejandro Guarello led the gathering.
The meeting started with a two-part "Your work, your right" seminar. SACM representative Roberto Cantoral examined the future of copyright during the first half. The second half was focused on Fair Trade Music, presented by Ivan Garcia Pelayo and Diego Drexler. In the same vein as the Fair Trade Coffee movement, the objective seeks to ensure that all parties in the music business adhere to transparency and fair remuneration for music creators.
Most phonographic productions in Latin American countries are linked to independent artists and certifications. There are also informal relations among phonographic production agents. Because of this, suggestions have been made to change certain rules originally envisaged to obtain Fair Trade Music certification.
A panel discussed adapting certain certification rules to these Latin American realities. Leading up to the meeting, discussions were held with a working group including Ivan Pelayo (Spain), Juca Novaes (Brazil), Geraldo Vianna (Brazil), Diego Drexler (Uruguay), Carlos Simões (Argentina) and Monica Velez (Mexico).
The second day of the ALCAM meeting, attendees received specific alliance country updates, learned about the ALCAM 2018 Work Plan and reviewed efforts to share the alliance’s work through social media channels.Photo © CIAM 2018