CIAM celebrates the European Parliament’s visionary vote today on behalf of the world’s songwriters and composers

CIAM salutes the European Parliament’s members for their bold vote today (438 to 226) endorsing the principle of fair online remuneration for creative works. The Parliament has paved the way for the creative sector to be properly rewarded when their works are exploited online. A clear signal has been sent to powerful digital interests that have for too long unfairly capitalised upon the exploitation of creative works.

The vote is a resounding commitment to principles of transparency, fairness, equity and affordable access. Audiences in Europe may take comfort that new mechanisms are now to be put in place that will promote the principle of fair and just remuneration to creators; that it will not simply be corporations who are the greater beneficiaries of the works the citizens enjoy.

Songwriter and CIAM President Eddie Schwartz said:

“This important first step is a seminal moment in the future of music creators and creative people in the EU and around the world. The EU Parliament has shown the way towards not only a new dawn for reinvigorated cultural industries and individual creators, but also the equitable distribution of wealth in the flourishing digital economy. We trust this historic vote will be endorsed in January 2019. Future generations will see this as an historic moment, and celebrate all those who made it possible, as does CIAM today."

Music, film, art and journalism are vital to the health of our communities and we join with our creative colleagues of every stripe in celebrating a potentially brighter online future. In the run-up to this vote, CIAM members and their fellow creators, authors, performers, writers, directors and actors came together in the EU and globally as never before. This new unity is based on our shared interests. This vote has also delivered to us all newfound solidarity and we shall build upon it in the months and years to come!