CIAM International Women’s Songwriting Camp in Montreal – Photo Gallery
Women from around the globe descended upon Montreal for three days of songwriting, producing, and recording for a special international women’s songwriting camp surrounding the CIAM General Assembly. The second CIAM International Women's Songwriting Camp took place October 21st-23rd at Planet Studios.
The songwriting camp brought together talented women to learn from one another, share their experiences, and foster greater global unity through their art. It seeks to shine a light on the issue of low membership and income by women in collecting societies. Having role models, examples, and showing best practices are key factors in securing a better balance between women and men.
Creators included: AILI (Japan, JASRAC), Andrea Alvarez (Argentina, SADAIC), Carole Facal (Canada, SOCAN and SPACQ-AE), Denise Thomas (Canada, SOCAN and SAC), Eva (Lam si Man) (Macau, MACA), Luciane Dom (Brazil, UBC), Madara Perkone (Netherlands, BumaStemra), Marcela de la Garza (Mexico, SACM), Mélanie Venditti (Canada, SOCAN and SPACQ-AE), Merlin D’Souza (India, IPRS), Misia Furtak (Poland, ZAiKS), Nitanee Paris (United States, SCL), Rivita Goyle (United States, AWFC), and Shawnee Kish (Canada, SOCAN and SAC).
Thank you to the following societies and associations for supporting these talented women creators: IMPF, MPC, SAC, SOCAN, and SPACQ-AE.