CIAM International Songwriting Camp for women in Montreal: recap-video and behind-the-scenes
For the second year in a row, CIAM organized an International Women’s Songwriting camp. At the renowned Planet Studios in Montreal on October 21st-23rd, 14 talented female music creators from all over the world came together to collaborate and write music.
One of the core principles of CIAM is enhancing equity and diversity. Since the membership and income of female creators is still relatively low throughout the industry compared to male counterparts, the songwriting camp takes this concept to the next level. This happens by moving the empowerment of women from panels and discussions to hands-on studio work, and to create a worldwide community of female songwriters. Through collaborative songwriting in all different roles (beatmaking, producing, toplining) the songwriters had a chance to create great songs, share experiences, and exchange expertise. CIAM hopes these camps encourage and enhance a greater balance in gender representation in songwriters worldwide.
This video gives a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look into the studios and the listening sessions, and shows how the songs were created and presented at the CIAM General Assembly in Montreal.
The Montreal camp included: AILI (Japan, JASRAC), Andrea Alvarez (Argentina, SADAIC), Carole Facal (Canada, SOCAN and SPACQ-AE), Denise Thomas (Canada, SOCAN and SAC), Eva (Lam si Man) (Macau, MACA), Luciane Dom (Brazil, UBC), Madara Perkone (Netherlands, BumaStemra), Marcela de la Garza (Mexico, SACM), Mélanie Venditti (Canada, SOCAN and SPACQ-AE), Merlin D’Souza (India, IPRS), Misia Furtak (Poland, ZAiKS), Nitanee Paris (United States, SCL), Rivita Goyle (United States, AWFC), and Shawnee Kish (Canada, SOCAN and SAC).
We would like to thank IMPF, MPC, SAC, SOCAN, and SPACQ-AE for supporting these talented women.
Video produced by: Kyle Christopher Smith